Key People- General Douglas MacArthur and the Korean War

Who Was He?
  • US General in 1950's and 1940's 
  • Supreme Commander in Southwest Pacific during WWII
  • Accepted Japan's surrender (September 1945)
  • Went on to become the Governor of Japan during Allied occupation 
  • As Governor he reformed Japan's political system and economy- allowed them to become a firm ally of the US
  • Most well known for leading the UN for the first nine months of the Korean War
  • Famous for his intelligence, superior command ability, loyalty and dedication to his the US and his duty towards it
MacArthur and the Korean War 
  • Led the United Nations
  • Joined in the second phase- September 1950
  • South Korea had been pushed to a Southeastern port called Pusan, Chinese troops in Manchuria waiting for orders to invade in support of North Korea--> First phase without MacArthur (June-September 1950)
  • Second phase began- MacArthur lead an amphibious  invasion and managed to land at Inchon 
  • Managed to push North Koreans back across the boarder at the 38th parallel 
  • Mao sent 300'000 Chinese troops into North Korea in response- caused UN to organise a major counter-attack against them 
  • Third phase (December 50- June 51)- Chinese forces continued down into South Korea, capturing Seoul 
  • MacArthur demanded the US should push into North Korea to engage China 
  • Planned to use air strikes and nuclear weapons- Truman denied these requests 
MacArthur's Dismissal 

  • Conflicts between Truman and MacArthur became public 
  • Truman feared the use of nuclear weapons would extend the war and get the USSR involved- Truman wanted him to follow the new concept of 'limited war'
  • MacArthur was intent on unifying Korea by using the USA and was prepared to do so by any means- was not following the traditionally US policy of unconditional war
  • Truman dismissed him because of their different views 

  • He was initially still popular in the US despite his dismissal 
  • Parades were held in his honour and he was seen as a national hero 
  • Public opinion was firmly against Truman's decision
  • People began to understand and respect the new policy of 'limited war'  
  • Over time, they accepted that had he gone through with his plans, war in Asia could have been much worse 


  1. A good summary Morgan. You have identified the key details in their relationship and the decision to fire MacArthur. Just a note - the landing was amphibious (an amphibian is a frog!).


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