Kennedy and Vietnam

Kennedy was a public believer in the domino theory and had valued the policy of containment since 1956. His worry with Vietnam was that if it was to fall to Communism, then Combodia, Laos, and India would follow- and then what? 

He did not agree with the policy of massice retaliation (a favourite of his predesessor, Eisenhower). Instead, Kennedy argued a flexible response was needed against the Soviets and Communism. This is evident when one looks at his actions in Vietnam- he did not use nuclear weapons and instead found worth in counterinsurgency. This meant guerrilla warfare, intellegence gathering, infiltrarion, targeting leaders, etc.   

In January 1961, Kennedy met with Eisenhower to discuss the transition between both leaders and thier governments. During this discussion, Eisenhower mentioned the threat of Communism springing up in South East Asia. Like Eisenhower, Kennedy's government failed to see the distinction between Soviet Communism and a want for independance which resulted in communism which is what happened in Vietnam. 

Kennedy's advisors proposed four main things in relation to the events in Vietnam-

  • More helicopters to aid the counterinsurgency policy
  • Better training and support for the South Vietnamese Army
  • More US combat troops
  • Strategic bombing in North Vietnam
These suggestions were quite the jump. Nonetheless, Kennedy agreed to this increase US military intervention in Vietnam. By the end of 1961, there were 3000 US military advisors in South Vietnam. A year later, ther were 11'500 military personnel and there were US pilots flying combat missions over Vietnam (though Kennedy refused involvement)
There is much debate about what actions Kennedy would have taken in regards to Vietnam, had he not been assissinated. Below is a table of arguments for both sides.

He Was Going to Withdraw He Was Not Going to Withdraw
·        He decided to remove US troops in October, but he was assassinated 50 days later in Nov 63 (same month as Diem’s assassination)
·        In 1963 Kennedy rejected the French President’s suggestion to withdraw
·        Diem’s brother said in 1963 that at least half the American military advisors could be withdrawn
·        He spoke to the economic club of NY in Dec 62 saying Vietnam would collapse if the US removed their assistance
·        Defence secretary told Kennedy that troops could be removed at the end of 1965
·        Press conference in July 63- “we believe strongly… we are not going to withdraw”- thought doing so would bring about the collapse of South Vietnam
·        He could not risk a ‘McCarthy scare’ (thinking of rely on nuclear weapons)- willing to be condemned for withdrawing
·        Spoke with American ambassador in Vietnam in secret and told him he had a responsibility to help in any way
·        At a press conference in 1963 is bringing American troops home
·        In interview in September 63- believed in domino theory and thus was in his interest to not withdraw
·        Withdrawal plans had been put together- plans to begin with were just to train troops
·        This idea of belief in the domino theory was reinforced in an interview with JFK’s Attorney General in April 1964
·        Pressure from Republicans that spending was too high
·        US military advisors in Vietnam increased as time went on under Kennedy
·        Democrats (his party) emphasised reforms needed in US- were spending needed to be 
·        Needed to be seen as tough against Communism- wanted to be re-elected in 64


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